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Going Live!!!

Unfortunately I don't mean the Saturday morning kids show hosted by Philip Schofield. Im talking about live videos for social media. By the end of 2020 its estimated that 80% of social media content will be video. If your not using it you are missing a massive chance to engage existing and potential customers and as more people are at now at home, this is the perfect oppotunity for you to get in front of your ideal client.

Now I know that speaking to the camera fills a lot of people with dread and your probably shaking your head in horror right now, but stay with me. People buy from people they know, like and trust. It takes on average 7 interactions before people will commit to buying our products or using our services, and by putting yourself out there as the face of your business you are showing them the person behind the brand and helping to build that connection.

Below are my top tips for getting your face out there:

Instagram/Facebook stories- I'm not going to lie, I love Instagram stories. I use them a lot in my own business to show behind the scenes shots of my photo shoots and to promote my posts. However they are also a fantastic way to get used to posting videos and pictures of yourself. The bonus is they only last 24 hrs!!!

Facebook Lives- Lives can be used to broadcast a conversation, Q+A session or virtual event in a group, on your business page or on your news feed. They are a free and easy way to engage your audience and and build an authentic connection. Because they arn't prerecorded they will show an unedited, human side to you and your brand. Instagram has a similar function where you can share up to an hour of content. The only downside (or upside depending on your point of view) is that it will disappear once the live stream has ended.

Upload a video to your feed- Once you've gotten used to posting videos to your stories its time to post them to your feed. This means your followers old and new will be able to watch it whenever they like as they wont disappear after 24hrs. This is especially useful if you are using it to answer questions, give tips or introduce yourself.

Tik Tok- if your thinking "Its just for kids" and "people just post videos of themselves dancing", you'd be wrong. Tik Tok is quickly becoming one of the worlds most popular social media platforms with over 500million active users and 1 million videos viewed everyday. If your target audience is already active on other social media the chances are they also have Tik Tok. The app allows to you to create original, fun content that can also be shared to your other social media accounts as well.

I hope this has been helpful and given you some ideas on how to get started becoming more visible. As with anything practice makes perfect, the more you do it the more confident you will become and who knows, you might even start to enjoy it !!!

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